Kenny Carruthers
My name is Kenny Carruthers and in December 2013 our daughter, Bethany was stillborn. It was a devastating period of our lives. The following days, weeks and months were very difficult. Not long after that fateful evening we contacted Dumfries and Galloway Sands for some extra support. The befrienders helped us come to terms with our bereavement. We found sharing our story with others with similar experiences was comforting as we knew we weren’t alone with what we were feeling.
As time past, both myself and my wife Ali decided to joint the Sands committee as we felt it was fine for give something back. Then in October 2018 I went through the official sands befriender training to become our local groups first males befriender.
The Sands Bereavement Support app was created for anyone who has experienced the death of a baby