Many people turned out to remember much loved and never forgotten babies at the Dumfries SANDS Christmas Service at the Crichton Church.  Everyone was invited to add a message for the baby or babies that are dear in their hearts to the Christmas tree, if they wished to, and also to light a candle in their memory.  This is always a particularly poignant moment in the service.

The 2010 service started and ended very peacefully with Shelley Clark playing the harp.  The service was led by Kenny Hope from Pagan’s funeral directors, who kindly stepped in when Sandy Strachan  became ill.  The Dumfries Male Voice Choir very generously shared their talent with us by singing ‘Let there be peace on earth’ as well as ‘You raise me up’.  Caitlin Bell returned to beautifully sing ‘Irish Blessing’ during the lighting of candles and placing of messages on the tree.

Alison Rogerson, Community Midwife and Dumfries and Galloway SANDS committee member, read a very moving poem called ‘A little snowdrop’.

At the end of the service many people stayed to share in tea, coffee and cakes with us.  Thank you to all who donated money.  £321 was collected after the service and will be used to continue to support parents of babies who have died in Dumfries and Galloway.

Thank you to all who helped make this service possible.