The DG Sands Spring Ball 2016

  Dumfries and Galloway Sands (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity) Spring Ball 2016 Saturday 30th April Easterbrook Hall 6.30pm for 7pm- Welcome drinks 3 Course Dinner Auction and Prize Draw Dance to Soul Train Carriages- 1am Tickets are £45, tables of 8-10...

Sands Christmas Service

DG Sands Christmas Service Our Christmas Service this year will be on Thursday 17th December in the Crichton Royal Church, Dumfries. Once again, there will be two services. The first will be a family service starting at 6.00pm and lasting approx half an hour. Families...

D&G Sands Golf Day

D&G Sands Golf Day Sunday the 4th October saw our second succesful Sands golf day at the Galloway golf club. There were 18 teams competing for the coveted first prize, with prizes for the longest drive and nearest the pin. Three teams tied for first place with...

D&G Sands Spring Ball

D&G Sands Spring Ball We are delighted to announce our next ball is taking place at Easterbrook Hall on Saturday the 30th April 2016. We hope it will be every bit as successful as our previous two Balls, in which we managed to raise a magnificent amount to go...