Dumfries and Galloway Sands AGM

Wednesday 18th March 2015


107 Irish Street


  1. Welcome

Alison welcomed everyone.

Ali and Kenny, Grant, Susan, David, Alison and Dee

  1. Apologies Valerie Wilson, Shona Dalton, Lisa Seaton
  2. Minutes of last meeting – David agreed these were accurate and was seconded by Susan
  3. Chairpersons report – can be accessed separately but included details of:


Variety of people fund raising

Involvement in maternity staff training workshops, bereavement meetings, council meeting, network conference calls and network day

Moved office in January

British Empire Medal

Memorial garden St Michael’s Cemetery – progress is slow but ongoing

Support in Wigtownshire

Statue in Glebe Cemetery, Stranraer

AFFIRM study – we donated £10000
Rainbow Room continues to be used

Refurbishment of counselling room by end of March

Meeting with NHS about contemplation garden at new hospital and invited to join the spiritual group

*Alison will email copy of chairpersons report to Ali and Kenny


  1. Treasurers report

Balance 3rd  March £32365.45


£4500 from Just Giving Grant and Lisa
£1500 Choir for Charity

£200 from 41 club Burns Supper

Money from Rev McIlroy Christmas Service

Christmas Service £159.66

Golf day £1663-possibility of doing it again, David will approach Tommy

Grant’s Mum’s choir £500

Motorcycle ride £287.50

Half marathon £1142

Jodie Moore £3055.07

Joanna Dunnet

People’s Project


Out –

AFFIRM £10000

Rainbow Room £20 per laundry

Casket £25 each

Cold cot covers

Memory box £25 per box

Cemetery £30 a time cleaning and upkeep of memorial and bench

Phone £11 monthly

Attendance at network day

Office rental £200 per month was £150 at previous address

Legal advice Walker and Sharpe about the possible outstanding £4050 for previous occupancy


Future out-

Memorial garden £20000

£5000 memorial garden Stranraer

£3000 estimate to refurbish the room in hospital


£5000-£10000 per year is needed to keep going as we are


What grants can we get? One avenue as yet not pursued.



  1. Election of committee

Alison, Susan and David are happy to remain in current position and Dee resigned.


Susan proposed and Grant seconded Alison as Chair

Alison proposed and Ali seconded David as Treasurer

David proposed and Dee seconded Susan as Vice Chair

David proposed Grant as secretary and this was seconded by Alison

Ali and Kenny happy to be involved in committee work.


  1. Plans for the year
    Ali and Kenny 142 tickets sold at £10 per ticket – £8 from each ticket will go to the charity

Lockerbie lorry park function room can hold 200.  Ali and Kenny are paying for band.  It will be on Friday 16th May.

Also, there is a donation from vintage club.


Ball will not be in September perhaps in May on a Saturday.


June is Sands awareness month.



  1. Any other business

Wigtown free press should be approached when trying to get a group up and running.  Also promote work on cemetery to try to meet people in the West of the region to possibly try to get a support group going.


Network day on 9th May in Dundee.  Alison and Susan will attend.


Comment- National Sands not found to be helpful and don’t send stuff requested e.g. buckets/collection tins and balloons.  The shop has to be chased up especially when groups using email to get 20% discount.  They have previously sent wrong items.


Ali will look into fundraising materials e.g. money tins and will get refunded from group.   Also to look into t-shirts with Dumfries and Galloway Sands logo.


Create a group email and exchange mobile numbers.


*Alison will send email to group including

and send minutes to Ann McMurray to say committee has expanded.

*Alison to contact Easterbrook to find out availability for ball.


  1. Date of next meeting –Wednesday suits most- Wed 20th May (day before Ali birthday) 7pm