Alison welcomed everyone.


Present- Alison H, Susan, Andrea, Alison R and Dee


Apologies-Nicola, Lesley, Alanna and Sam


Election of new committee
Chairperson-Alison H, proposed by Dee, seconded by Valerie


Vice Chair-Susan, proposed by Andrea, seconded by Valerie


Treasurer-Valerie, proposed by Susan, seconded by Andrea


Secretary-Dee, proposed by Alison, seconded by Valerie


Committee members Alison R and Andrea, proposed by Valerie, seconded by Alison


Andrea is the keeper of the birthday book and sends out cards.


Alison R will liaise with midwives at the front line.


Chairperson’s report

Alison read the constitution and gave to Dee to keep along with a register of current committee members.


It has been a busy year.


The Christmas Service was a success complete with tea, coffee and shortbread which was nearly all eaten.  Sandy Strachan has agreed to do it again.  The Crichton Foundation must be contacted.  It will go in the paper and on the radio.  A date has still to be set.


There have been successful sessions with midwives and Alison R has now joined the group.


There were many donations from midwives, group members and supporters.


In May a group of 5 women from DRC did the Glasgow 10km and raised almost £1000.


In April we had our piping marathon which raised £1000.


In June Dee and Andrea took part in Run 4 Health.  We have received £2250 from the Rotary.


Marks and Spencers chose us as their charity of the year.  Valerie and Susan were bag packing among other supporters of Sands.


The Scottish Network Day was held in Dunfermline in May and was attended by Susan, Lesley and Dee.  There were lots of ideas including memory boxes.


Dee completed her befriender training putting our number of befrienders up to 4.  Alison H completed her advanced befriender training.


The website is ongoing. Derek Pennycook is charging £500.  The website will be linked to the National Sands site.


St. Michael’s cemetery has the bench in place (£500).  Ian Rogers to do sculpture.  Then we will need a Grand Opening.  Maybe we could get councillors and MPs on board to put a privet hedge in St. Michael’s cemetery to make a garden.  We need to look after the garden/bench.


Alison R suggested that maybe Ian Rogers could update the cards handed out at Cresswell.


Angel pockets were given to Alison R for Cresswell.


The cold cot is now in place and looking great.  The insert was made and donated by Doreen Black.


We have sponsored Alison R to go to a BLISS, SANDS and Royal College of Midwives conference in London on 16th September with Fiona Dodds.  Alison R to report back to us.


During the recent conference call National Sands agreed to look into reclaiming VAT.


Alison H and David are the only reps from Scotland going to the National Conference in Cardiff on 25th September.


Future for our group- continue to provide comfort and support to parents.


We are looking to find an office as base. Susan- ABC recruitment have offices in Great King


Valerie to look into other options.


A big article for the Standard to help promote our supportive role.


We need to think about how we can reach more people.


We need new premises for our meetings as one hour is too short.


Possibly purchase cold mats when they become available.  One for hospital at Stranraer and for parents who wish to take their baby home.


Future Fund Raising
The Fish Supper- maybe in March.  Involve Callum and Jenna Laidlaw as event organiser as she wishes to get her name known.


Fund raising- Alanna doing Criffel


Sarah losing weight


Alison R doing kilomathon on 3rd October (16miles)


Dumfries Running Club Fun Run 2nd October (3miles).  We need to do a stand and food.


Memory Boxes

We need a wee note from us about why we are giving them.


Alison R will liaise with Team Leaders who meet every month.  She will also discuss with them that GPs aren’t always aware that we are not just for recent losses or even just for stillbirths.


Maybe we could hand over memory boxes to an audience of midwives.


Valerie to source memory cards.


Cresswell has a camera and printer.



Susan and Alison meeting Derek Pennycook next week.


Alison R suggested the Annandale Herald could do an article to reach out to more of the region (Moffat, Lockerbie, Annan).  Carol from the paper could do a piece when we open our office?


We need to make up business cards.  We can do this ourselves and give out to Team Leaders with our number at the moment.  Later we can include email, website and office address.


Cresswell is looking at paperwork of loss at all stages.  Midwives involved will take the journey to the mortuary and then Pagans.


New leaflets-money made clear

–         SANDS saying goodbye to your baby

Meeting closed-10.30pm

The next network day is 21st May in Aberdeen.


Treasurer’s Report


£687 in the treasurer account


£6018.01 in the business instant access account + 600 from Sarah’s uncle and 360 from June and Mike Rogerson.


There is a £10000 limit from National Sands before we need to start donating to them.