Sands and Grazia join forces to launch major stillbirth campaign

In the UK, 11 babies are stillborn every day. And shocking new research, published last month in The Lancet, found Britain is ranked second from bottom: 33 out of 35 countries in the developed world for stillbirth rates. Countries like Australia – which have invested heavily in research – have managed to bring their rates down. In the UK, they have remained the same for the past 10 years. This is simply not acceptable.


Which is why Grazia has today joined forces with Sands, to demand change.


We want the government to fund research to discover what is causing these babies to die, and to develop new ways of screening pregnancies to find out which babies are at risk of stillbirth… and save their lives before it is too late.



Now you can join the campaign to help, by signing our petition calling on the government to fund this desperately needed research. Click on the link to sign our petition