Minutes of AGM Meeting – Monday 6th June 2016 7.30pm
Attendees – Alison Hall, Susan Dalgleish, David Hall, Suzanne Hewson, Kirsty Bowie, Ann McMurray & Grant Seaton.
- Questionnaire Sense Check – Ann McMurray checked the detail of the recently completed questionnaire by the group. Out of the checking of the detail the only area for consideration is whether a standard ‘out of office’ message should be sent when emails are received. Potentially this should say that the mailbox is reviewed intermittently and that somebody will respond soon.
- Welcome – Alison Hall welcomed all to the AGM and introduced Kirsty Bowie to the attendees. Kirsty has recently stated that she would like to be more involved with the group going forward.
- Apologies – Ali & Kenny Carruthers
- Minutes of last meeting– Agreed that the minutes of the last meeting were a true reflection of the discussions held.
- Chairperson Report– Alison gave an insight to the work that has been carried out throughout the reporting period. She also gave an overview of the amounts raised by specific
- Treasury Report – David gave an overview of the deposits and withdrawals throughout the year. A balance of £56,956.60 is reported, which will comfortably fund the St Michaels Cemetery works and leave a sufficient balance for general operation costs.
- Election of Committee – Alison Hall Chair – GS proposed SD seconded. Susan Dalgleish Vice Chair – AH proposed SH seconded. Following the resignation of Grant Seaton as Secretary, Kirsty Bowie proposed by AH and seconded by SD. David Hall Treasurer – proposed by AH and seconded by SD.
- Plans for the year– covered within the Chairperson’s Report
- Any Other Business – Nothing noted
Date of next meeting – early October 2016. Date to be confirmed in due course.