Songs from the Labour Ward

Songs from the Labour Ward

Songs from the Labour Ward Ren Forteath is a newly qualified midwife who has been singing and writing songs for many years. Her recent music is inspired by her journey both as a midiwfery student and as a mother and the eight tracks on her current album reflect this...

DG Sands at The Wigtown Show

DG Sands at The Wigtown Show We had a great day (despite the rain) at Wigtown Show on Wednesday 3rd August. Tea, coffee, home baking and face painting helped attract people to our stand where they were able to find out all about our charity. It was our first time at...

Work Begins on St Michael’s Cemetery Memorial Garden

Work Begins on St Michael’s Cemetery Memorial Garden We are excited to to let you know that work has started at last on the memorial garden at St Michael’s Cemetery, Dumfries. Plans have been displayed for some time at St Michael’s but are now...

Minutes of AGM Meeting – Monday 6th June 2016 7.30pm

Minutes of AGM Meeting – Monday 6th June 2016 7.30pm Attendees – Alison Hall, Susan Dalgleish, David Hall, Suzanne Hewson, Kirsty Bowie, Ann McMurray & Grant Seaton. Questionnaire Sense Check – Ann McMurray checked the detail of the recently completed...

2016 DG Sands Grand Fundraising Ball at Easterbrook Hall

2016 DG Sands Grand Fundraising Ball at Easterbrook Hall Saturday 30th April saw the great and the good of Dumfries and Galloway (and further afield) put on their finery for our third grand fundraising ball at the beautiful Easterbrook Hall, Dumfries. On arrival we...

Strictly For Sands – Thornhill

Strictly For Sands – Thornhill Bereaved parents Kirsty and Craig Bowie wanted to do something in memory of their baby boy Josie who sadly died at birth in August 2001. They decided to ask friends to take part in a “Strictly come Dancing” event at Wallace Hall,...

Fiona Diamond’s Charity Skydive Raises £404 for D&G Sands

Fiona Diamond’s Charity Skydive Raises £404 for D&G Sands D & G Sands would like to say a big thank you to  Fiona Diamond who took part in a 2016 – Charity Skydive. Fiona requested that 100% of her fundraising should be for the benefit of Dumfries...

Sands Ball Update

Sands Ball Update Tickets are selling fast but there are still a few left so please get in touch if you fancy getting your glad rags on and supporting a great cause. We have some wonderful auction and raffle prizes which have been very kindly donated by local...